Announcing WeSolv’s New Partnership with uConnect
Lauren Hagerty

Empowering Career Services: WeSolv Partners with uConnect to Elevate Student Success

At WeSolv, we’ve always believed in the power of experiential learning to bridge the gap between education and employment. Our mission is to provide students with real-world experience through Case Challenges from leading companies, preparing them for the complexities of the modern workplace. Today, we are thrilled to announce a new partnership that will bring our innovative content and challenges to a wider audience through an exciting integration with uConnect.

Introducing the WeSolv and uConnect Partnership

WeSolv is proud to partner with uConnect, the leading all-in-one virtual career center platform that transforms how universities deliver career services. This partnership will allow WeSolv content to seamlessly integrate into the uConnect platform, providing universities with direct access to our challenges, case studies, and experiential learning opportunities. This integration means universities can now add WeSolv content directly to their career services pages, enhancing their offerings and providing students with valuable, real-world experiences.

Why This Partnership Matters

Career services play a critical role in helping students transition from the academic environment to their professional careers. However, traditional career services often struggle to offer the dynamic, hands-on experiences that truly prepare students for the workforce. By partnering with uConnect, WeSolv is helping to fill this gap.

  1. Enhanced Accessibility: Universities using the uConnect platform can now easily integrate WeSolv content into their career services, making it more accessible to students. This means that more students can benefit from WeSolv’s challenges, regardless of their university’s existing career resources.
  2. Customizable Integration: The partnership allows universities to tailor the integration of WeSolv content to meet their specific needs. Whether it’s adding industry-specific challenges or focusing on diversity and inclusion, universities have the flexibility to curate content that aligns with their institutional goals.
  3. Streamlined Student Experience: By accessing WeSolv challenges through their university’s career services page, students can now find all the resources they need in one place. This streamlined experience helps students spend less time searching for opportunities and more time developing the skills they need to succeed.

Driving Student Success with Real-World Experience

WeSolv’s Case Challenges are designed to give students hands-on experience in solving real business challenges. From working with companies like Salesforce, Pinterest, EY, and Discover to tackling issues in startups like Rheaply and Fetch Rewards, students who participate in WeSolv challenges gain invaluable insights into the working world. By integrating this content into the uConnect platform, universities can offer these experiences as part of their standard career service offerings, ensuring that more students are prepared for the demands of today’s job market.

A Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WeSolv is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in all aspects of our work. From our blog to our Case Challenges, WeSolve strives to provide opportunities and resources for students from all backgrounds to showcase their talents and gain valuable experience. Through this partnership with uConnect, we are expanding our reach, allowing more students from underrepresented groups to participate in our challenges, read our content, and gain the exposure they need to succeed in their careers. 

Looking Ahead: The Future of Career Services

This partnership is just the beginning. At WeSolv, we are continually looking for ways to innovate and expand our offerings. By working with uConnect, we are not only making our content more accessible but also helping to shape the future of career services. We believe that this partnership will set a new standard for how universities support their students’ career development, combining the best of technology with real-world experience.

Join Us on This Journey

We invite universities, students, and employers to join us on this exciting journey. Together with uConnect, we are committed to empowering the next generation of leaders with the skills and experiences they need to succeed. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to roll out this integration and work towards our shared goal of enhancing career services across the country.

For more information on how your university can integrate WeSolv content into your career services page, please visit uConnect or send us a message at