Level the playing field with projects that showcase proven skills
To hire diverse talent, companies must:
Candidates solving Case Challenges:
How It Works

Case Challenges scoped based on company needs and posted to the WeSolv platform

Candidates nationwide find Case Challenges and form teams to execute

Virtual touchpoints as teams work then WeSolv algorithms assess deliverables

Companies connect, interview, or provide other awards to top performers

For Candidates
Identify your career interests
Gain tangible experience in a new field
Showcase your talent to more companies
Land your dream job
For Companies
Bring unique skills and perspectives to projects
Hire more qualified candidates
Reduce time-to-hire and hiring costs
Make measurable progress against your D&I goals
Companies and WeSolvers from all over love us!

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“‘Diversity matters.’ That’s how Stella Ashaolu began her pitch, which was the best of the night. The WeSolv CEO explained how workplace diversity has become a top priority for Fortune 500 companies, yet many are struggling to find and hire high-performing diverse candidates.“
“WeSolv Case Challenges let prospective talents show off their skills in assessments designed around the roles they will need to perform. Their performance can speak louder than background, shared personal affinities, or behavioral interviews..“
“One of the 2018 Techstars companies, WeSolv, helps to bridge the gap between companies who are hiring and diverse candidates. CEO Stella Ashaolu, who is African American, started the company based on her own experience searching for jobs after getting her MBA.“
“Instead of weeding out bad candidates, interviews often end up weeding out qualified candidates because of unconscious biases on behalf of the interviewer, company or process, ultimately counteracting a company’s well intention-ed diversity recruiting efforts.”
Named TechStars Seattle 2018 BEST PITCH!