Affirmative action has been a controversial topic for decades, affecting our nation’s education and employment sectors. However, there is a distinct correlation between affirmative action and diversity in business. Recently, with the
Supreme Court’s decision to terminate race-conscious admissions programs, the nation finds itself at a crossroads. At WeSolv, we deeply believe in the transformative power of diversity, not just because it’s morally right but because
it’s imperative for business success.

Jeff Raikes recently penned an
insightful article explaining
how diversity is paramount to business. Here, we’re going to dive deeper, discussing how companies can harness this wisdom to drive both equity and profitability.

1. Understanding America’s Uneven Terrain

America’s history is dotted with legal and social impediments that have disproportionately affected Black Americans. From “redlining” practices that barred Black families from accessing home loans, leading to generational wealth
disparities, to systemic obstacles in the realm of education, employment, and voting rights, the road to equality has been riddled with barriers. Recognizing these historical inequalities is crucial in understanding the current
landscape and the need for businesses to take active measures in promoting diversity.

2. The Tangible Power of Diversity in Business

Diversity in business isn’t just a trendy buzzword. It’s an asset. Businesses with diverse teams consistently outshine their counterparts. When teams comprise varied backgrounds and experiences, they bring together a mosaic of
perspectives, fostering innovation and resilience. Moreover, a diverse team is more in tune with a global clientele, ensuring products and services that cater to a wider audience. A
McKinsey study fortified this notion, revealing that
companies with more diverse teams are significantly more profitable. In essence, diversity isn’t just ethically commendable — it’s a lucrative business model.

3. The Fallacy of “Color-Blindness”

The concept of “color blindness” is not just unrealistic but counterproductive. When we claim to not “see color”, we inadvertently dismiss the unique experiences, challenges, and perspectives that come with it. Drawing parallels, Chief
Justice Robert’s assertion that military academies benefit from
diversity makes one thing clear: if the military, an institution rooted in discipline and uniformity, acknowledges the richness of diversity, businesses have even more to gain. An organization that truly values all its members will
appreciate their differences rather than gloss over them.

4. Authenticity: The Corporate Imperative

In an era where consumers are more discerning than ever, authenticity is paramount. Companies need to resonate with genuine commitment to their missions, values, and practices. This includes their stance on diversity and inclusion.
Tokenistic gestures or superficial commitments are easily identified and can harm both internal morale and external reputation. If a business advocates for diversity, it must walk the walk. From recruitment strategies to advertising
campaigns, every action should reflect an authentic commitment to inclusivity.

The Road Ahead

Discussions regarding the correlation between affirmative action and diversity in business will continue to be a hot topic from boardrooms to the White House. The recent Supreme Court decision is a reminder that the journey toward
racial equity in America is ongoing and ever-evolving. Companies, now more than ever, have the platform and the responsibility to lead by example. By acknowledging past disparities, leveraging the tangible benefits of diversity,
rejecting the idea of “color-blindness”, and operating with genuine authenticity, businesses can carve out a path that not only enhances their growth but also fortifies the societal fabric.

At WeSolv, we’ve always believed in the transformative power of diversity, and as we move forward, we encourage all businesses to
do the same.

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