Your company


Build a custom or template Case Challenge that best aligns with your needs with our easy Challenge Builder
WeSolv will ensure your Challenge is perfectly scoped to achieve your project and/or hiring goals
Confirm your Challenge goals, desired timeline, and final Challenge scope with your dedicated WeSolv Project Manager
Provide desired Challenge materials, data, and/or employment collateral/job reqs
WeSolv Shares your Case Challenge to our network of 30,000+ candidates accordingly
Candidates are accepted according to your company selected criteria and pricing plan
Attend your pre-selected virtual touchpoints (Kick-off session, Q&A or Office Hours) to engage Challenge participants allotted by your pricing plan
WeSolv facilitates Case Challenge process, collects deliverables, and our SMEs score deliverables according to the objective weighted scorecard
Key Stakeholders can review and score the desired number of top deliverables (optional)
WeSolv generates and shares detailed performance, participation and demographic reports
Select the best candidates to interview/hire based on performance
On average companies source over 300 diverse candidates in under 10 days